• At your initial consultation a thorough medical history will be taken so please bring any relevant medical imaging, previous test and lab results as well as the names of medications or supplements you are currently taking.
  • Details about your presenting health concern will be asked as well as other questions which may seem a little unusual to you but they are an important component in deriving a Chinese medicine diagnosis and formulating your individualised treatment regime. These questions will be relevant to the diagnosis and treatment of your presenting complaint and may be about your diet, bowel movements, urination, appetite, sleep, emotional wellbeing, sexual function, lifestyle, and for females’ menstrual cycle.
  • As part of the physical examination and diagnosis your tongue may be looked at and the pulse in your wrist palpated.
  • During your consultation please ask as many questions as you wish and we shall attempt to answer them in a way that makes sense to you.
  • Depending on your presenting health concern your treatment plan may involve any of the services provided so please feel free to explore these before your consultation.
  •  On the day of your consultation please:
      • Do not brush your tongue.
      • Eat something an hour or so before your appointment.
      • Drink adequate water before and after your treatment.
      • If you are going to consume caffeine or high sugar foods do so at least 2 hours before treatment.
      • Refrain from drinking alcohol prior to your treatment.
Category: Synergy General